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ATC revamp-Great Success for LM if can accomplish

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:01 pm
by ferhardt
I feel like beating the same drum as probably thousands if not tens of thousands other flight simmers. ATC in Prepar3d (as well as previous MSFS products) has always had issues with ATC. If they can be fixed/addressed, then I predict it would lead to Prepar3d to become the premiere product on the market. Issues I am aware of are;

1. Vectors for approach changing every 2 min; turn 30' left, then turn 30' right, ad nauseum.
2. At/near ATC boundaries, changing ATC frequencies between facilities as many as 10x. Also, although when told to contact xxx.xx, that frequency does not show up in the window. Dialing in said frequency has no effect on the window. I end up contacting whoever shows up in the ATC window.
3. Improper spacing for approach with other AI aircraft. No use of speed calls to maintain required spacing. I can count many times I have been 'ran over' from behind by traffic approaching faster than me, but already cleared to land.
4. Ground control does not appear to control external service vehicles and advise them or me to stop to avoid collision. I had a successful flight from DCA to PIT, park at gate, and a service truck runs into my plane.. resulting in a 'crash'. Very frustrating.

So, I recognize that revamping the ATC must require a great amount of effort, otherwise it would have done already. Maybe the old code doesn't stand up to modification, or there are licensing requirements that do not allow modification of the same ATC module that has been in use forever. Take the plunge, and rewrite it from scratch! How amazing would it be if your company can be the one to get it right?!!

With wishful thinking...

Re: ATC revamp-Great Success for LM if can accomplish

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 2:22 pm
by asustech
Totally Agree

Re: ATC revamp-Great Success for LM if can accomplish

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:17 pm
by Blaunarwal
Plus 1