SDK-Modeling SDK: Missing & missnamed files

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Joined: Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:38 am

Post by FSMP »

While running a system diagnostic of one of my developemt PC that had the P3D SDK installed (Ver 1.4), the following errors were detected.

(1) osgbbullet.dll missing : needed by XtoPhysics.exe

Is this a OpenSceneGraph dll ? If so, the correct dll name would appear to be osgbullet.dll (ie only one 'b' )

(2) osgdb.dll not found. : needed by XtoPhysics.exe

There is a osgdb_x.dll in the same folder as XtoPhysics.exe

If I try to run XtoPhysics, the 1st thing it does is show an error message that osgdb.dll is not found.

(3) osg.dll not found. : needed by XtoPhysics.exe

Note: After Installing the SDK, a file search on the PC, showed that none of the 3 files, listed above, had been installed anywhere on the PC.

Are these missing files perhaps installed with 3DSM ??? (which I do not have installed)

While I do not use XtoPhysics.exe, it seems appropriate to report this.
