Available VRAM

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T REX2018
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:01 pm

Available VRAM

Post by T REX2018 »

I have a RTX 2080 and would like some input on how my VRAM is being allocated. I know that windows 10 reserves a good-sized chunk for itself but when running P3D, it shows an available VRAM of between 6.1 and 7.1GB of 8GB available. The average available is between 6.5 and 6.7GB.

So, some examples:
Sitting in the Cargo stand at PANC with Active Sky, AIG Traffic, Aerosoft PANC, and Orbx Southern Alaska I show 7.1GB available in the VC and it drops to 6.5GB external views. The aircraft I'm using doesn't make any difference. Except that I run out of VRAM in the external views with the CS 767 (glad I bought it during the $9.99 sale)

At FSdreamteam KORD with all the Orbx and AIG Active Sky, etc I'm showing 6.2GB available VC and external.

Typically, though I'm seeing my available VRAM in that 6.5 to 6.7 range.

So, I guess my questions are this; shouldn't my available VRAM be pretty consistent based on what Windows 10 is allocating for itself?
Shouldn't the resources used by different scenarios in P3D only be reflected in my VRAM usage number and not in my available VRAM number?
Is there a P3D setting that can be adjusted to free up some memory on the availability side of things rather than the usage side?

I seem to recall in one of the more recent P3D versions, maybe 5.1, I was excited to see 6.9-7.1GB available consistently but as soon as I updated to higher versions it reverted back to what I am seeing now.
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