AI planes behaving like rodeo horses - cause? Fix?

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AI planes behaving like rodeo horses - cause? Fix?

Post by LakeFlyer »

I have done a fresh install of P3D v4.5 on a new computer. I have copied traffic.bgl files and AI aircraft from a previous installation, but all the rest is a fresh install of files downloaded for this new installation, i.e. they are always the most recent ones.

I have the following add-ons:
- ORBX regions, and VECTOR
- PILOTS mesh
- ActiveSky
- EditVoicePack
- FSLabs
- ADE Airport Design Editor

The behaviour is really strange:
- the first AI plane to taxi behaves normally
- all subsequent AI planes behave crazy, with their nose or tail in the ground, often rocking hysterically
- this happens at default airports as well as at the two add-on airports I have installed (T2G Paris CDG, Aerosoft Baleares)

What could be the cause? How can I fix that? It's very annoying.

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