is it possibble to disable "Loading Percentage Window" ?

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is it possibble to disable "Loading Percentage Window" ?

Post by simtr1 »

We are novice users in P3D. We are looking a solution to apply changes instantly, We have noticed an issue while we manipulate the weather conditions, time, or other things, these changes do not happen instantly and we watch a transition screen. It is showing the loading percentage. Is it possible to remove that ??

The system that we have been developing has consisted of scenario-based training flights. Almost all contain logical conditions and steps inside themselves. These conditions and steps have a broad range of changes related to weather conditions, aircraft, or flight instruments, so on. A pilot goes on step by step to be able to live a specific circumstance in a flight simulation. A critical issue here, the pilot should not be got any clue or hint from the simulation while this scenario is being implemented. Shortly, he should not be aware of or anticipate any upcoming problem.
We have noticed an issue while we manipulate the weather conditions, time, or other things, these changes do not happen instantly and we watch a transition screen. It is showing the loading percentage.

By the way, we tried to send the commands with the CIGI weather control packet, Change happens discontinuously not instantly.

Is it possible to get an instant result just after our commands ?
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