Problems with simconnect menus

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Problems with simconnect menus

Post by DVA12924 »

I run every flight with 2 programs that use simconnect - GSX and ProATC. I'm on P3Dv5.1 latest release. At the beginning, everything works great, but by the time I get to destination, the only menu that pulls up is the ProATC menu, even if I've already closed that program and restarted GSX, still the ProATC menu is all that shows. And often times, it pulls up the last menu that I had up (i.e. - If in the beginning of a flight, I pull up ProATC and navigate to the "direct to "waypoint" menu, this will be the same menu that pulls up hours later at destination when ProATC is closed and I'm trying to open GSX for deboarding -- this is probably why the ProATC menu is the one that always comes up, because it was the last menu used). I cannot close the menu, no click-spots work on the menu, I have to right click and select "close window" to get the menu to close, but reopening brings back the exact same menu with the exact same issues. It's getting frustrating because I don't know what the cause of this is or how to fix it, but it's been an issue for well over a week consistently now. I've already reinstalled simconnect and restarted the computer about 50 times and it will not stay correct. Both developers claim there is no issue on their end, and to an extent, they are both correct in that the menus function perfect at the beginning of a flight and up to some point in flight however, something causes the link to become broken or stuck sometime during a flight. There may be other add-ons running simconnect in the background, like Navigraph and Active Sky, but I'm not sure on this, and all their functions seem to work perfect throughout every flight - it's only the ProATC and GSX menus I'm having trouble with.

Edit - If in the "Add-ons" menu, I click "Active Sky Weather Request" this also brings up the same stuck simconnect menu. The issue seems to be with any program needing the menu. Furthermore, if I close and restart ProATC with a different flight plan, the keyboard works for the comms but the menu is still stuck with the same last opened menu.
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