Reasons for Exception 22 with ATC SimObjects?

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Reasons for Exception 22 with ATC SimObjects?

Post by obinder »

Hello @ll,

one of my addons is creating ATC controlled aircraft, using flight plans of various degrees of complexity. I am getting a large number of exceptions "22" when using "AICreateEnrouteATCAircraft" and "AICreateParkedATCAircraft".

- It is not the aircraft model. I can create the same model with the same flight plan just a few minutes later using another tool
- It is not the flight plan - I can assign that plan to other AI aircraft and it will work
- It is not the parking spaces. The same model with a different flight plan is created on the same airport just fine

I have been searching for possible causes on and off for 2 years now, but I still have no idea why the simulator would just refuse to create a perfectly good model with a valid flight plan.

If anyone could offer more insight as to what the simulator is trying to tell me with that generic "22", that would be great!

Best regards
Oliver Binder
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