Aircraft Shadows

Discussion related to terrain/scenery design.
High Iron
Posts: 48
Joined: Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:10 pm
Location: CYYC

Post by High Iron »

Hi gentlemen.

Not sure it this belongs here, but it's the closest to topic I can find.

I'm having issues with the aircraft shadows option disabling its self. I select the option and will have aircraft shadow's for a while but then they will disappear. Usually after a longer flight, ex. greater than an hour.

When I return to the menu, the options is deselected, and even once checked again, it uncheck's its self after selecting "Accept".

I am aware of AI causing problems with the user selected weather and cloud draw distance, but I am not seeing any correlation with aircraft shadowing. I have been able to keep it functioning when I edit the line in the configuration file but eventually it gets turned off again. When I run short test flights, with AI, the shadow remains active. On longer flights it becomes disabled and very difficult to get back. Any ideas?

