file missing in ShadersHLSL

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file missing in ShadersHLSL

Post by apollo11 »

I have installed new Aerosoft Airbus and part of it (overhead + MCP panel extreme righ and left + pedestal) are black...I have asked them how to sort it, they suggest the use of PTA software to see what's wrong... bought the PTA software and what it gives me is:
ERROR: shader file D:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ShadersHLSL\Cloud.fx is not original Prepar3D shader and can't be used
ERROR: shader file D:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ShadersHLSL\FuncLibrary.fxh is not original Prepar3D shader and can't be used

how do I solve this?

I obviously have the original P3Dv4 software.

Thanks a lot for support