set/get L:vars in C# simconnect section

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set/get L:vars in C# simconnect section

Post by tilkisinan »

I am confused. I don't know about panel and gauge design and also C++. As well as I understand to change L:vars possible with execute calculator code to gauges.h imported c++.

I looked up almost every thing about change some special designed panel switch and get developer designed gauge values via C# but I couldn't succeed.
ddawson made some .dll for get and set some (L:vars) I try to use them in my C# app but I could't import them into the my C# project.

My stuation :

1. I am using prof licensed P3D v4.

2. I am using C# application(VS2019) to get and set some variable from aircraft via simconnect that everything is ok I get and set standart eventid and simvariables.

3. I have a helicopter add-on that was created "Cera Sim" and some special panels and switches and gauges. (example: (L:Swbatt, bool) , (L:Swfpapu, enum) , (L:Start_Eng2, bool), (>K:PROP_PITCH2_LO), etc.).

The question that:

1.How can I change the position of the switches that created by developers via my C# app?

2. How can I get the special gauge values to my app?

3. Are the anyone to have any C# project to make which I want.

4. Is there any way the control them vit joystick buttons or keyboard?

Thank you
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Re: set/get L:vars in C# simconnect section

Post by Simbol »

L: Vars are only available via gauges.. you need to create a .DLL that works as a gauge..

Alternatively, use PDK instead and you can get access to them.

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